Friday the 13th and other Superstitions

Beware all you triskaidekaphobes!
(persons with an irrational fear of Friday the 13th)

Did you know that there is at least one Friday the 13th
in every calendar year? Well hold onto your party hats
because this year there are 3! A rare occurrence which I
believe is cause for celebration. So in honor of such a
fateful day, I am offering one of my Black Cat Holiday Sticks
as the Friday Freebie for one FANTASTICAL FOLLOWER.

For your chance to win, click on the FOLLOW link just
to the left of this post before Friday the 13th. If you already
then you are already entered in the
drawing. I will post the name of the winner on Friday.

Until then here are some Superstitions to keep in mind:
A strange black cat on your porch brings prosperity.
A cat sneezing is a good omen for everyone who hears it.
Dreaming of a white cat means good luck.
Rubbing your rabbits foot may increase your chances
of winning the FRIDAY FREEBIE.


Jennifer Williams said...

Woohoo! I'm already entered in the drawing.

I've always loved Friday the 13th especially since some people act so silly about it. I didn't know there was actually a scientific name for it!

Zan Asha said...

Hmmm..the last suggestion is UNLUCKY for the rabbit :D

Enchanted Productions by Joyce Stahl said...

Yes Melissa! Three in one year is definitely cause for celebration!

Friday the 13th has always been lucky for me! Still...I've got my rabbit's foot in one hand and my four leaf clover in the other!

Enchanted Blessngs,

Unknown said...

Yeah.....crossing fingers and toes...and all other limbs. Does a Pug named Henry count for sneezing? LOL


Sonia ;)

Carrie Mae said...

What a sweet gesture!

Plus, that is an awesome prize. :)

Huzzah for Friday the 13th!

Sarah Sullivan said...

Whoo hoo - I'm in!!! I had not realized we had another one coming this week!!! Cool beans! Sarah

Sheryl Parsons said...

No fears, but one year on Friday the 13th our surgical supply suitcase got left in Anchorage, and a purse snatcher snuck behind the counter while we were in back. But it wasn't his lucky day as all he got was a supply of feminine hygiene products as the owner had emptied her purse. We laughed so hard! Luckily the purse was found 30 minutes later on a side road and returned! True story!

PS, I'm glad to be entered already!!!!

Amy H. said...

Oh Goody Goody Gumdrops......I LOOOVE Halloween art.....and to be a Friday 13th giveaway.....Someone is going to be very LUCKY....I am entered and Friday can not come soon enough.....

Vicki's Bit-o-earth said...

Dear Holiday Queen, thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a note. Halloween is my most favorite holiday of the year, so your blog is a treat!

Nat said...

This particular friday the 13th is my 44th birthday. I guess they have always bee lucky and good for me, after all I am still here. Does it count if the strange black cat is mine?

Anonymous said...

Yippee Melissa!!
I LOVE this cool to have a FREE this will get the economy going!!
I just adore every little thing you make and look forward to entering every Friday the 13th freebie.
Thanks much Melissa!
Your friend, Kim

Enchantments and Giggles said...

Hi Melissa - I would love to add another of your creations to my collection!

The Polka Dot Pixie said...

Looking at all of your items is like visiting a wonderful enchanted candy store~! Pure magic!!!! Love everything!

ceecee said...

Wowie Zowzie! It's a real wonderland over here at the Holiday Queens house! Marvelous! Thank you so much for your visit. I Love chocolate madeleines too!!! I've never made them myself though, which is funny because I'm chocolate crazy! Have a creative weekend, Melissa!

Abby said...

I am a follower! This would be so awesome for my daughter's Harry Potter birthday party we will be having!

ajcmeyer AT go DOT com

Marie Patterson Studio said...

I have my rabbit foot in hand!!! This is our "lucky year" with 3 Friday 13ths!!!!

Lacey Jane Primitives said...

Halloween! My totally favorite holiday and sweet Melissa does it so well!!!!

lisanelsonart said...

Love those kitties! I'm already a follower and I hope I win!

Autumn said...

I'm a follower.......haha, actually, I'm quite the leader, but, anyhow......

Thanks for the rocking giveaway. ;o) -Autumn

Monkey-Cats Studio said...

How cool is just gave me my lesson for the day!!
Thanks Melissa!