bestowed upon me the Marie Antoinette Blog Award.
• • • • •
Antoinette, best remembered for her legendary
excesses, would probably relate very well to today's
economic climate. Although I don't think the threat of
reinstating the guillotine would get things rolling on wall street...
it might be something to consider.
• • • • •
Now here are some blogs I consider to be heads above the rest:
3rd Eye Muse
Cottage in the Country
MJ Ornaments
Two Pixie Dolls
Marie Patterson
Thannk You! That is so sweet of you. I have such a fun time blogging, it's truly an adventure. Your blog is positively splendiforous (is that a word? Sounds good to me) as well. :D
Thank You So Much. I am flattered to even be on your list. We gather inspiration from one another and I am always inspired when I visit your blog. Actually I am awe-inspired by the wonderful images I see when I visit. Your projects take my breath away. Thanks for sharing your talents with us. Deb
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